Monday, January 19, 2009

... we were provided the resources with which to teach properly?

Business expenses are what it really comes down to. Every year teachers use money they earn in order to run their classes properly. It could be buying copy paper, arts and crafts supplies, calculators, or even the most basic necessity: chalk. Whatever it may be, they are using their own money instead of being provided with these tools by the school. How can a teacher keep his or her students on target with the Planning and Scheduling Timeline when the books required by the PST are unavailable at the school? What about teaching functions and trigonometry without graphing calculators (when they are behind lock and key)? If the new weekly assessments demand knowledge of the PST, we are definitely screwed. We need to know where the resources are that we need and how to get them. Simplify the process so the students can get what they need from their school. In the meantime, Walmart has offered to help:

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